综 述
1. 国民经济与社会发展
全市实现地区生产总值(GDP) 9108.83亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长 17.4%。按常住人口计算,全市人均生产总值达到70402元,按年平均汇率折合10400美元,比上年增长13.8%。
三次产业全面发展,第一产业、第二产业、第三产业增加值分别比上年增长 3.3%、 20.2%、 14.2%。三次产业结构分别为1.6:53.1:45.3。
2. 环境质量
3. 环境建设与环保投入
4. 主要污染物减排
5. 生态城市建设
6. 滨海新区环境保护
滨海新区环境空气质量达到或优于二级良好水平天数为307天,占全年总监测天数的84.1%,可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)年均值分别为0.095毫克/立方米、0.055毫克/立方米、0.049毫克/立方米;饮用水源地达标率为100%;区域环境噪声平均声级为51.4分贝(A), 比2009年上升了0.3分贝(A),道路交通噪声平均声级为66.7分贝(A),比上年升高0.3分贝,声环境质量等级分别处于“一级”和“二级”水平。
全市污水排放总量为 68195万吨,其中:工业废水排放量为19680万吨,生活污水排放量为 48516万吨。
全市COD排放总量为13.2万吨,其中:工业废水中COD排放量为2.22万吨,生活污水中COD排放量为 10.98万吨。
加 强饮用水源环境保护工作。落实温总理批示,积极开展引滦水源保护流域跨省生态补偿机制研究;逐步清理宜兴埠水源厂周边饮用水安全隐患;开展于桥水库入境水 质全监控工作;对引黄输水线路进行环境安全评估,为市政府开展引黄济津工作提供决策支持;制定引黄济津水环境保护工作方案,有力保障城市居民用水安全;开 展农村饮用水水源地环境状况调查。
海河水污染防治工作协调会 |
全市排放二氧化硫23.52万吨,其中工业排放量为21.76万吨;烟尘排放量为6.46万吨,其中工业排放量为5.38万吨;工业粉尘排放量为0. 80万吨。
加 强燃煤污染控制,积极推进二氧化硫污染治理。开展电力燃煤锅炉脱硫治理工程,全市共完成10台燃煤机组脱硫治理工程项目,完成3台燃煤机组关停任务;完成 24台10吨/时以上燃煤锅炉脱硫除尘技术改造项目;环保部门开展了采暖期供热燃煤锅炉污染物排放达标专项检查,对11家排放超标的单位进行了立案处理, 并将检查结果通报市、区人民政府。
防 治施工扬尘污染。全市建立扬尘污染防治工作机制,全面落实部门及区县政府监管责任。市环保局会同市建设交通委、市市容园林委、市国土房管局对建筑、道桥、 拆迁等施工工地进行了扬尘污染专项执法检查;全市各区县政府开展了扬尘污染控制自查工作,配备的387辆机扫车和158辆洒水车有效提高了城市道路清洁 度。各类扬尘污染得到有效控制。
加 强机动车尾气污染控制。开展进京机动车标志核发工作,全市已核发进京车辆环保合格标志18万个;配合市商务委、市财政局开展老旧黄标车以旧换新工作,截止 2010年底,全市已办理车辆“以旧换新”手续约10500辆,落实中央财政补贴5000万元;市环保局会同市公安局积极开展机动车环保标志发放准备工 作。
安静小区 |
全市工业固体废物产生量为1862.38万吨,综合利用1845.12万吨(含往年贮存9.47万吨),综合利用率为98.57%;其中:工业危险废物产生量12.8万吨,综合利用7.3万吨,无害化处置 5.49万吨,无危险废物排放。医疗废物产生量7379吨,全部无害化处置; 城市生活垃圾产生量207.32万吨,无害化处理量192.85万吨,无害化处理率93.02%。
截至2010年底,我市共有放射源应用单位194家,各类放射源2878枚,其中应用Ⅰ类极高危险放射源的单位8家,放射源501枚;Ⅱ类高危险放射源23家,放射源395枚;Ⅲ类危险放射源13家,放射源115枚; Ⅳ、Ⅴ类低危险放射源150家,放射源1867枚。
继 续实施《天津生态市建设三年行动计划》,大力开展生态环境建设。贯彻落实全国自然生态和农村环境保护工作会议精神,深入推进环境优美乡镇的创建工作。落实 国家“以奖促治”政策,加强农村环境综合整治工作。以示范小城镇为龙头,推动“三区”统筹联动发展,推动完善示范小城镇环境基础设施。加强自然保护区建设 和资源开发生态保护的监督管理,认真贯彻执行国家相关法律、法规,强化了对涉及自然保护区的国家重点建设项目的环境管理。
在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在市相关部门和区县政府及相关企业的共同努力下,我市圆满完成了2010年年度主要污染物减排计划和国家确定的“十一五”减排目标。通过科学制定2010年 我市主要污染物减排计划,将全市减排项目进行细化、分类,责任落实到区县和各相关部门。定期召开全市减排工作调度会,掌握各区县减排工作进展情况,对工作 进展缓慢、建设进度不理想项目,采取约谈、现场督办、跟踪督查等措施督促企业按时完成减排工程。为确保完成减排任务,市政府召开全市主要污染物总量减排工 作推动会,熊建平副市长在会上提出具体要求,并带队对重点减排工程进行现场检查。市政府督查室、市监察局多次对减排工程进行重点督查,对存在问题的区县和 单位进行重点推动,有效地推进减排工作进展。截至2010年底,全市完成42个主要水污染物减排工程,53台燃煤机组脱硫改燃,全面部署实施火电企业脱硫设施旁路烟道铅封工作,圆满完成2010年减排任务,并为“十二五”减排工作奠定良好基础。
确 保减排任务如期完成:下发了《关于滨海新区污水处理厂建设及运行监管的工作方案》和《滨海新区加快推动“十一五”主要污染物总量减排工作实施方案》,组织 对全区电力脱硫和污水处理厂及其配套管网建设等污染减排项目进行调查摸底和梳理,针对减排进展缓慢和运行存在问题严重的企业,分别采取了环保限批、责令整 改、行政处罚等一系列措施,加大日常监测和监督执法力度,确保减排设施稳定运行。对超标或超总量排污企业,实行强制性清洁生产审核及加倍征收排污费。对新 建项目,将总量控制和主要污染物削减作为环评审批的前置条件,切实从源头控制新增排污量。
加 强环境治理工作:加强对饮用水源地的巡查及重点污染源环境隐患排查,确保饮用水安全。开展了海洋环境执法专项检查自查工作,加大海洋陆源污染治理力度,削 减陆源污染物排放量,加大对沿海企业执法检查力度,杜绝超标排放污染海洋环境,同时不断加强海岸工程、沿海开发带环境监管,确保近岸海域环境安全。协助市 环保局在新区深入开展重金属排放企业环境违法专项整治工作;加强大气污染防治工作,组织开展了燃煤设施环保达标排放专项检查、施工工地扬尘污染及渣土运输 撒漏治理、对火电企业的脱硫旁路挡板实施铅封工作等,积极配合市环保局组织相关部门对新区挥发性有机物排放的重点工业企业进行现场检查和调研,全面掌握新 区该类企业的排放情况;加大对夜间建筑施工、文化娱乐场所等单位的检查和管理,2010年共申报市级安静居住小区5个,复测14个,全部通过验收。
加 强环境监测,确保环境安全:编制了《天津市滨海新区突发环境事件应急预案》,开展了重点污染源监督检查工作,切实保证重点污染源达标排放。开展了整治违法 排污企业保障群众健康环保专项行动,对化工园区、沿江沿河石化企业、对重金属排放企业存在的安全隐患,和医疗废水,汽车维修行业危废贮存和处置,以及建筑 施工工地等开展了专项检查,确保了环境安全。
环境质量自动化监测水平进一步提高, 2个水质自动站和1个空气自动监测系统的数据实现与国家环境监测总站联网;启动了京津冀空气联动监测工作,除空气常规监测项目外,新增汞和TVOC的 监测;继续开展灰霾天气空气质量及空气中臭氧的监测试点工作。完成集中式饮用水源地和近岸海域水质全项分析;圆满完成引黄济津水质监测。监测技术不断提 高,在全国首届环境监测技术大比武中取得了团体和个人均三等奖的优异成绩。继续推动重点污染源监督性监测工作,并不断完善污染减排监测体系,污染源在线监 控系统建设也不断得到完善,截止2010年底共建129套 监控设备;减排监测制度不断完善和规范,制订了天津市污染源自动监控设备验收技术规定(暂行)》、《天津市污染源排放口规范化技术要求》以及《关于国控重 点污染源自动监测数据有效性审核工作》、《企业污染源自动监控系统比对监测》多个规范性和指导性文件;接受了国家减排核查组对我市2009年减排体系建设和运行考核,并取得全国排名第三的优异成绩。按照总站要求,继续推动“以奖促治农村环境质量综合调查”工作,在津南区、大港区和西青区各新增1个村庄。
积 极开展环保学术交流和环保科普宣传活动。天津市环境科学学会举办了“水体污染控制与治理宣讲研讨会”、“气候变暖与人类生存环境研讨会”等学术交流活动, 同时,充分利用“环境日”、“科技周”、“世界水日”、“气象日”、“地球日”,开展了环保科技专题讲座、环保知识进社区等一系列活动,广泛普及环保科学 知识。我局和环境学会被授予“天津市第二十四届科技活动周先进组织单位”荣誉称号 。开展了“优秀环境影响报告书”评选活动,11个单位的37项环境影响报告书获奖。参加全市第十一届优秀调研成果评选活动,3篇调研报告分获一、二、三等 奖。
环保宣传教育以开展节能减排、推进生态市建设“三年行动计划”等工作为重点,紧密围绕市委、市政府“构筑三个高地、打好五个攻坚战”和“解难题、促转变、上水平”的总体工作要求,广泛搭建公众参与平台,开展主题宣传活动,以第39个“六·五”世界环境日为契机,成功举办市“15届 津沽环保行”活动,在水上公园举办了“安利环保嘉年华”大型宣传教育活动,是我市自开展“六·五”宣传活动以来,规模最大、规格最高、影响最广的一届,中 央电视台首次报道了天津“六·五”活动;与市自然博物馆共同承办了“‘聆听大地的声音’生物多样性之旅”项目天津站的各项活动;先后与环保NGO绿 色之友、远洋地产、可口可乐公司、三星集团、华润万家、约翰迪尔天津有限公司等联合开展了“第九届壳牌美境”、“低碳生活从我做起”、“乐水行”水质监 测、“留住一桶水,一起去世博”等主题的环保公益宣传活动;与市文明办、市妇联联合开展了“低碳时尚生活”大赛等活动,得到了市民的广泛参与;完成了2010年“酷中国—网络低碳环境意识调查和低碳生活知识竞赛”活动,在部分示范社区开展了堆肥栏、楼门文化建设,受到了社区、居民的欢迎,收到了良好的宣传效果。
在2010年环境小记者项目新闻作品大赛中,我市8篇参赛作品全部获奖;对全市38个市级绿色社区,33所市级绿色学校和13所市级绿色幼儿园进行了命名表彰;圆满完成国际生态学校培训班在天津的培训工作,来自全市环保系统和教育系统的110余人参加了培训;大港区和津南区启动了国际生态学校活动,大港第一中学荣获2010年首批国际生态学校绿旗。中央及本市各媒体刊播、转载有关我市环保工作的新闻稿件近1000篇次;电视台、电台、网络等视、音频媒体播发、转播发我市环保新闻累计时长近300分钟;特别是6月4日市政府召开新闻发布会后,香港商报6月8日头版采用整版篇幅以《绿色天津 2015年跻身生态城市》为主题,对天津生态城市建设进展情况进行了详细、深入报道,充分展示了我市生态城市建设所取得的积极进展和主要成果。全年编辑发行《天津环境保护》专刊12期,刊发环保新闻稿件107篇、照片76张。
建 成“中美合作于桥水库饮用水安全保障”示范项目,完成库区农村污染综合防治示范项目建设,邀请美国专家来津进行项目运营培训并就“美国的水排污许可证制 度”进行专题介绍;推动我市与日本住友商事株式会社的二期合作,协商确定“构筑天津市固体废物综合利用信息交换系统”建设项目;实施我市“中日韩十城市海 岸清洁活动”,组织来自社会各界的环保志愿者百余人在东疆湾人工沙滩开展清扫海岸,活动展板在日本北九州市召开的东亚经济交流推进机构第六届环境分会上进 行展示;继续实施中瑞DemoEnvironment项目“清洁生产在天津的实施”,成功的将瑞典“实施在线监测水中微生物”设备引进到中国;“GEF海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理项目”顺利开展,与水务局共同开发建立了知识管理(KM)系统,促进了水质、水量数据信息的交流与共享。
In 2010, the last year of 11th Five-Year Plan Period, under the leadership of Tianjin CPC Committee, Tianjin Municipal Government and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the entire environmental protection system seriously carried out the spirit of the 17th National People's Congress (NPC), and Seventh Plenum of the 9th CPC Tianjin Committee, thoroughly applied the Scientific Outlook on Development, actively promote the construction of the ecological city and emission reduction of pollutants surrounding the key targets of environmental protection,, continued to consolidate and enhance the achievements of constructing National Model Cities of Environmental Protection. Meanwhile, the environmental quality was increasingly improved and various environmental tasks were successfully completed.
7. National Economy and Social Development
The GDP of Tianjin reached 910.883 billion Yuan, 17.4% more than the last year by calculating at the comparative price.
The Three Industries have been thoroughly developed, and the added value of the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industry was increased by 3.3%, 20.2% and 14.2% separately. The proportion of the Three Industries structure was 1.6:53.1:45.3 respectively.
The disposable income per capita of urban residents arrived at 24,293 Yuan which was increased by 13.5%. The annual net income per capita of rural resident reached 11,801 YUAN, increased by 10.5%.
8. Environmental Quality
In 2010, the main indicators of environmental quality continually maintained at good level. The air quality reached or exceeded good level of the standard Grade Ⅱ in 308 days, accounting for 84.4% of total days monitored. Among all the indicators, the annual average value of inhalable particulate(PM10), sulfur dioxide(SO2), nitrogen dioxide(NO2) was respectively 0.096mg/m3, 0.054mg/m3, 0.045mg/m3, which all met with the Grade Ⅱof annual average value standard. The qualified percentage of urban centralized drinking water quality has been keeping 100% in 9 consecutive years , the qualified percentage of water quality in national-controlled sections was 64.3%, and the water quality of coastal area decreased slightly. The average traffic sound level in urban area was 67.7db(A), remaining the same with the last year and the general acoustic environmental quality met Grade I. The average sound level in downtown area is 54.6db(A), 0.1db(A) less than the last year and the general acoustic environmental quality met Grade I. Radiation environmental quality was good, and the indexes of ionizing radiation were controlled within the background value, all meeting with the corresponding standard.
9. Environmental Construction and Input for Environmental Protection
The input for Environmental protection reached 23.416 billion YUAN, including construction of urban environmental infrastructure, control of industrial pollution sources, environmental protection facility construction for Three Simultaneous Procedure in newly-build, re-build and extended-build projects, and capacity building in environmental management, etc.
10. Emission Reduction of Major Pollutants
In 2010, the discharge of COD was 132,000 tons, 0.8% less than the last year, and 9.6% less than the emission in 2005. The emission of SO2 was 235,200 tons, 0.63% less than the last year, 11.2% less than the emission in 2005, Both the annual scheme and target of 11th-five-year period for total emission reduction of major pollutants has been completed.
11. Ecological City Construction
Ecological city construction was steadily promoted. the Action Plan of Tianjin Ecological City Construction from 2008 to 2010 was moving smoothly, realizing simultaneous moving of task and temporal arrange; The construction of ecological district and ecological county was generally spread. Xiqing district has passed the technical assessment as national ecological district. The construction of Sino-Singapore Ecological City has gained breakthrough progress.
12. Environmental Protection in Binhai New Area
The air quality in Binhai New Area reached or exceeded good level of the standard Grade Ⅱ in 307 days, accounting for 84.1% of total days monitored. The annual average value of inhalable particulate(PM10), sulfur dioxide(SO2), nitrogen dioxide(NO2) was 0.095mg/m3, 0.055mg/m3, 0.049mg/m3 respectively. The qualified percentage of drinking water quality arrived at 100%. The average sound level in regional area was 51.4db(A), increasing 0.3db(A) comparing to last year. The average traffic sound level was 66.7db(A), 0.3db(A) more than the last year. The acoustic environmental quality reached Grade I and Grade II respectively.
Environment Status
Water Environment
The quality of drinking water source in Tianjin kept good, and during Luan River Diversion and Huang River Diversion, the results of 27 national assessing indicators all met with Grade Ⅲ of surface water standard, The qualified percentage of urban centralized drinking water quality has been keeping 100% in recent 9 years;
The water quality of rivers for sight, such as Hai River, has arrived at the corresponding functional water quality standard;
The water quality of sections under national control has no obvious change;
The water quality in coastal area decreased a slightly.
Major Pollutants Discharge
The total wastewater discharge was 681.95million tons, among it, 196, 8 million ton from industrial wastewater, 485,16 million tons from domestic sewage.
The total discharge of COD was 132,000 tons, among of which 22,217 tons was from industrial wastewater, 109,8 tons from domestic sewage.
Measures and Actions
Strengthened the protection of drinking water source. Carried out the instruction of Premier Wen and researched on the mechanism of inter-province ecological compensation in the entire river basin of Luan River Diversion water source. Cleaned up potential risks of drinking water around Yixingfu waterworks gradually. Monitored the water flowed into Yuquao Reservoir. Made environmental safety assessment to the courses of Yellow River diversion, so as to make a policy support to the diversion of water from the Yellow River to Tianjin for the government. Made plans for the environmental protection of Yellow River diversion and ensured the safety of drinking water to the urban residents. Researched on the state of village drinking water source.
Improved surface water protection and management. Carried out river patrolling of landscape water in the central city actively, analyzed the water quality and promoted a new 3 year Water Environmental Treatment action. Adjusted the monitoring sections of surface water.
Prompted to carry out the implementation of Water Pollution Prevention and Control Plan of Haihe River Basin Gave full play to tied mechanism of departments to propel programming Projects. Passed the check of implementation status of planning in 2009.Carried the spirit of” Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference and special meeting of water pollution prevention and control in Haihe River Basin.
Tightened the control of key industries and pollutants. Identified the key Water Pollution resources list through the state of Key Supervision enterprises, such as close down, suspend operation, merge with others or shift and optimized them. Strictly implemented the “Wastewater Integrated Discharge Standard in Tianjin” to promote enterprises to meet the discharge standard. Carried out survey and evaluation to heavy metal pollution database and compiled “enforcement Program on heavy metal contamination in Tianjin”. Researched on the state of sewage treatment of key industries.
Further intensified supervision on wastewater treatment plants. Standardized the management of sewage treatment plant in the city by the following 4 steps: creating archives, intensifying responsibilities of enterprise as well as management and monitoring.
Thinned the environmental supervision of offshore marine areas, adjusted the environmental function zoning programme of the offshore marine areas and investigated the drain outlet into Sea.
Atmospheric Environment
In 2010, 308 days met Grade national air quality standard or above, accounting for 88.0% of the total monitored days. 38 days met GradeⅠstandard and 57 days met grade Ⅲ standard. Inhalable particulate (PM10) was primary pollutant of affecting air quality.
Major Pollutants Emission
The emission of SO2 was 235, 200 tons, among which 217, 600 tons were from industries .The emission of smoke was 64.6 thousand tons, among which 53, 800 tons from industrial sources. The industrial dust was 8 thousand tons.
Measures and Actions
Strengthened the control of coal burning pollution to decrease SO2 . 10 desulfurization projects of coal burning boilers in power plants have been completed. 3 coal fired units were closed and 24 technical reconstruction projects were fulfilled for dust removal and desulfurization of coal burning boilers with the capacity of 10 tons per hour or above. The environmental protection departments carried out special inspection on coal-burning heating boilers in the heating period and 11 enterprises that fail to meet the requirements for pollutant discharge were placed on file for investigation and prosecution. They also announced the results to the municipal or district government.
Prevented and control construction dust. Established the Mechanism of dust prevention, implemented the Supervision on departments or district governments fully. Tianjin environmental protection bureau joined with Construction and Transportation Committee, municipal Amenities & Landscape Architecture Committee and the Land and Housing Management Bureau carried out a special action to inspect construction sites including buildings, roads and bridges, housebreaking and so on. Self-checking of dust control was also developed between district governments, and the 387 scavenger’s carts and 158 sprinklers had greatly cleaned the road. Hence all kinds of dust were under effective control.
Strengthened the control of vehicle emission. Issued signs for those automobiles going to Beijing and 180,000 environmental signs were issued. Carried out vehicles replacement coordinated with the municipal Committee of Commerce and the Finance Bureau. Till the end of 2010, 10500 cars had gone through the formalities and 50, 000,000 YUAN national subsidy has been input. The municipal environmental protection bureau in conjunction with the municipal public security bureau was preparing to issue environmental protection symbols.
Acoustic Environment
The environmental acoustic quality maintained stable. The main noise affecting urban acoustic environmental quality was from human activies and transportation.
The average noise level in urban area was 54.6db (A), 0.1db (A) lower than 2009. The acoustic grade was Grade II. The environmental noise sources order according to the covering area were as follows: 65.9% from human activities noise, 22.4% from transportation, 11.2% from industries and 0.5% from construction sites. The average traffic noise level was 67.7db (A), the same as the last year, with Grade I of acoustic environmental quality.
Measures and Actions
Developed the established Quiet Residential Areas. 26 Quiet Residential Areas were established in 2010. Up to now, there were 237 Residential Areas given the title of Quiet Residential Area, accounting for 14.8% of property management areas. Residential environment has been improved greatly with this action. Strengthened the regular inspection on fixed noise sources, strictly enforced construction declaration and notice system. Organized night inspection on construction sites. Develop the noise prevention action during the entrance examination to high school and college, and efficiently controlled noise. During the exam, environmental protection department has coordinated with transport management, 120 first-aid center, air force and railway office to send law enforment officers to monitor around the exam spot to make sure the exam moving well. The regional divisions applying to National Standards for Acoustic Environmental Quality were readjusted. The traffic noise was effectively controlled through broadening the road and tooting forbidden actions.
Solid Waste Disposal and Treatment
The generated amount of industrial solid waste was 18,623,800 tons, 18,451,200 tons were comprehensively utilized((including 94,700 tons stored in previous years), accounting for 98.57% of the total output. Among which industrial hazardous waste was 128,000 tons and 73,000 tons were comprehensively utilized. 54,900 tons were disposed harmlessly with no hazardous wastes discharged.
The amount of medical waste was 7379 tons, all of which was disposed harmlessly; municipal domestic waste was 2,073,200 tons. 1,928,500 tons was disposed harmlessly, accounting for 93.02%.
Measures and Actions
Strengthened the supervision of hazardous waste. Enterprises owning hazardous waste operation license were inspected twice in the whole year. Organized districts/counties environmental departments for the inspection of hazardous wastes pollution prevention. Inspection of environmental risk and chemicals were carried out at 921 enterprises in key industries, as well as special inspection of Medical wastes and medical wastewater from medical and health institutions, in which medical waste collection and transportation list was increased so as to make the Medical Waste collected without exception. 4 disassemble enterprises of home appliances replacemetn were examined and supervised. Coordinated with the construction of TCL and green angle disassemble recycling facility. Assisted with the pollution prevention and control department of MEP in making home appliance disassemble subsidy policy. Guided and assisted the Hazardous waste disposal projects in Tianjin Nangang Industrial Zone in Binhai New Area on research , EIA and site selection.
Radiation Environment
By the end of 2010, there were 194 enterprises which had radiation sources, and the total radiation sources were 2878, among which there were 8 enterprises owning 501 Grade Ⅰsources, 23 enterprises owning 395 Grade Ⅱ highly hazardous sources, 13 enterprises owning 115 Grade Ⅲ sources, and 150 enterprises owning 1867 Grade Ⅳ and Ⅴsources.
There were about 12,413 electromagnetic radiation facilities with 9,101 mobile communication basement and 39 power transmission and transportation equipment.
The radioactive waste storage passed the acceptance of the Ministry of Environmental Protection in 2010, and during the whole year, 40 discarded radiation sources with the total degree of activity 6.95×1010Bq were stored. As well as 109 barrel radiation waste and 45 kg discarded radiation liquid.
Measures and Actions
Strengthen the supervision on safety of nuclear and radiation. 56 certificates for safe radiation were issued and 429 records of transferring among different places and approval were finished. The Supervision of whole retire proceeding of 24Ⅰradioactive source irradiation device was made. Improved the radiation environmental sites and monitoring quality. Accomplished sites selection and infrastructure construction of National Radiological Monitoring Network in Tianjin.
Ecological Environment
There were 8 nature reserves of all kinds at all levels in the city. Among them, there were 3 national level nature reserves and 5 provincial level nature reserves, covering a total of 91,115.13 hectares, accounting for 7.64% of the total area of Tianjin.
Ecological area construction of Xiqing had passed the check and acceptance procedure by the ministry of environmental protection. Till the end of the year, there were 36 towns in the city that had finished the environmental planning and 11 national environmental elegant towns were establishinged. The construction of Bicang and Tianmu in Beichen district, Daling in Wuqing district and Xaiaowangzhuang in Dagang or Binhai New Area had passed the auditing of the ministry of environmental protection.
Carried out the national policy of Award for Control and Award Substituting Subsidies, promoting developing village environmental integrated management.
To promote the construction of socialist new countryside, Pilot Point of demonstration town construction was carried out in Tianjin city, which improved the rural environmental facilities and the countryside environment. At present, the Pilot Point of demonstration town has covered 14 towns and 6 villages, and 16 of them have been completed basically.
Further intensified the development of policy support, promoted urban modernistic agriculture, Sped up ecological agriculture.
Measures and Actions
Continued to implement Three Year Action Plan on Ecological City in Tianjin, and energetically developed ecological environment construction. Implemented the spirit of National Conference on Ecological and Agricultural Environment Protection, deeply developed the construction of environmental elegant town. Carried out the policy of Award for Control, Intensed Comprehensive improvement of the rural environment. With demonstration town as the leading role, promoted the coordinating development of Three Zones and the environmental infrastructure construction of demonstration town. Strengthened the construction of Nature Reserves and supervision of the resource development and ecological protection. Carried out relevant national laws and regulations strictly, reinforcing management of state key construction projects of nature reserves.
Environment Management
Emission Reduction of Major Pollutants
Under the leadership of the municipal CPC committee and government administration, the plan in 2010 and target from 2010 to 2015 on emission reduction of major pollutants have been satisfactory completed with the joint efforts of related departments, companies and governments of districts/counties. Through scientifically establishing the plan on emission reduction of major pollutants in Tianjin, the emission reduction projects were classified and specified in such a way that the responsibilities were given to districts/counties and each relevant departments. For updating the emission reduction progress of each districts/counties, the scheduling meetings on emission reduction were convened regularly. By taking the measures of appointed conversation, on-site supervision and tracking inspection, the city supervised and urged the companies to complete the emission reduction projects which were in slow construction progress. In order to complete the emission reduction tasks, the municipal government opened up the meeting on emission reduction. Xiong Jian-ping, vice mayor of Tianjin, put forward the detailed requirements at the meeting, and took the lead to inspect the key emission reduction projects of major pollutants on the spot. The inspection bureau and the inspection office of municipal government frequently carried out inspection on emission reduction and made the promotion of the districts/counties and administration departments, in which the problem existed. All these activities have effectively promoted the progress for emission reduction tasks. By the end of 2010, the city completed 42 emission reduction projects of major water pollutants, 53 burning coal boilers projects of desulfurization and flaming-mode conversion, carried out the lead seal working of the coal fired plants in which the sideward flue of desulfurization equipment existed and satisfactory completed the emission reduction task in 2010. All above achievements have established well basis for emission reduction from 2010 to 2015.
Ecological City Construction
Tianjin Ecological City Construction Action Plan from 2008 to 2010 was carried out smoothly,and its 149 key projects were basically finished. The city continued to promote the solutions to the keystone and difficulties on chromium residue in Tongsheng chemical plant and leachate in landfill sites, and completed 38 key projects. Through environmental benefit evaluation and analysis, most of the key projects have yielded the environmental benefit in improving urban environment and promoting urban eco-environmental function.
Environmental Management in Binhai New Area
In 2001, the reform of the administrative system in Binhai New Area has been completed. It has taken building national ecological distribution as a carrier, and accelerates emission reduction as a handhold to promote the level of environmental protection.
To ensure the accomplishment of emission reduction tasks as scheduled: issued Working Scheme for the Construction and Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Binhai New Area and Implementation Porgramme to Accelerate Emission Reduction Working of Major Pollutants in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period in Binhai New Area , organized to investigate, clarify and arrange the pollution emission reduction projects including desulphurization in power plants, construction of wastewater treatment plants and allocated pipe works in the district. By respectively taking the measures of limited approval, compelled rectification and administrative punishment, Binhai New Area enhanced daily monitoring and law enforcement to ensure the steady operation of emission reduction equipments in the companies, which carried out emission reduction slowly and existed seriously operating problems. Compulsory Cleaner Production Auditing and double pollution discharge fee doubly have been applied for those enterprises whose discharge or total discharge exceeded the standard. Total Quantity Control and Major Pollutants Reduction has been set as prefixed condition for EIA approval for view projects, which has guaranteed the control of newly-added discharging amount from beginning.
To strengthen environment control: in order to ensure the security of drinking water, and strengthened the patrol of drinking water source and the investigation of hidden danger. To ensure the environmental security in Offshore Marine Areas, inspection and self-inspection has been carried out for marine environmental protection, which has enhanced the control of land-sourced pollutant emission, decreased the discharging amount of land-sourced pollutant emission, and enhanced the environmental inspection to coastal enterprises protecting marine environment from the pollution emission that exceeded the stipulated standards. Meanwhile, constantly strengthened the environmental supervision of coastal projects to ensure the coastal environmental safety. Assisted Tianjin environmental protection bureau to carry out special scheme for enterprises that discharged heavy metal illegally. Strengthen the prevention and control of air pollution. Inspect coal burning facilities to check whether it has met corresponding environmental standards, dust pollution of construction sites and the transportation of construction wastes, and the lead seal of coal burning plants in which the sideward flue of desulfurization equipment existed. In order to completely control the emission condition on VOC of key industrial enterprises in Binhai New Area, actively assisted Tianjin environmental protection bureau to organize relevant departments to conduct on-site inspection and research. Enhanced the inspection and management to night construction and places of recreation. 5 Quiet Residential Areas was applied and 14 Quiet Residential Areas were measured again in 2010 and all of the areas referred above have been verified for acceptance.
Environmental administrative approval and inspection was further enhanced: 1,008 construction projects were approved in 2010 in Binhai New Area, among of which there were 189 reports, 570 diagrams and 249 registration forms. The adoption of environmental impact assessment has got 100%. 303 projects were completed with environmental protection acceptance, and 588.978 million YUAN was put into effect, which accounted for 3.5% of the total project investment.
To strengthen environmental monitoring to ensure environmental security: in order to ensure the key pollution sources meeting the emission standard, Tianjin Binhai New Area contingency plan for Environmental emergency was compiled and the inspection of major pollution sources was carried out. Carried out Special Action for Punishing Illegal Discharged Enterprises to Protect Public Health in such a way that the city carried out special inspection with respect to security hidden danger in chemical industry area, the enterprises along the river, and the plants of heavy metal emission, and the storage and treatment of hazardous waste of medical sewage, car maintenance, and construction site. All these measures have guaranteed the environmental security.
Environmental Legislation and Inspection
Strengthened environmental legislation and further established and improved environmental protection legal system in Tianjin. In order to improve environmental publicity and environmental education, Tianjin Environmental Education Ordinance has been listed as preparatory items by standing committee ofTianjin People’s Congress. Current local environmental laws and regulations were sorted out , such as Tianjin Environmental Projection Ordinance, Tianjin Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance, and Pollution Prevention and Control Regulation of Luanhe River Diversion Water Source, etc.
Seriously organized training of environmental legislation and constantly improved administration accordance with the law. Provided training on environmental laws and public legal knowledge to leaders and law enforcement officers in 2010, and 532 people received training in all.
Constantly increased the investigation and penalty for environment-law broken cases, impeached 102 cases and resolved 292 cases. To keep developing Special Action for Punishing Illegal Pollutant-Discharged Enterprises to Ensure the Public Health, and 11,907 person/time have been dispatched, inspecting 7,091 pollutant-discharged enterprises, impeached 14 enterprises(districts/counties), and solving 7 cases(districts/counties). It was legal to handle a group of illegal problems with serious pollution which could damage public health. The overall special action has got periodic achievements.
Continually carried out supervision on pollutant-discharged enterprises in key pollution areas, and made the effort on solving key pollution cases reflected by the public, and further consolidated the achievement of regional integrated environment control.
Environmental Management of the Construction Projects
Environmental Impact Assessment of 3,919 construction projects were approved in 2010, among of which there were 523 reports, 2,368 diagrams and 1028 registration forms. Through the measures of News Substitute for Olds, Total control, Environmental Protection Veto Power and Open approval system, new pollution was efficiently controlled. 979 projects have met the completion acceptance of environmental protection in the whole year and 2.75 billion YUAN was put into effect, which accounted for 3.2% of the total project investment.
Environmental Monitoring
The automatic monitoring level of environmental quality was further enhanced. 2 water quality automatic stations and 1 air automatic monitoring system were interconnected with national monitoring station. Opened up air linkage monitoring of Bejing, Tianjin and Hebei. Mercury and TOVC monitoring items have been increased apart from routine monitoring items of air. It was continued to develop monitoring demonstration of haze and ozone. The complete analysis of concentrated drinking water resources has been accomplished, and water quality monitoring of Yellow River Diversion Project was successfully accomplished. It was kept to promote supervising monitoring on the key pollution sources, and constantly improved pollutant inspection monitoring system. To keep improving of the construction of pollution sources on-line monitoring system, the constructions of 129 equipments have been completed by the end of 2010. Emission reduction monitoring system was increasingly improved and regulated, working out a series of regular and guided documents, such as Tianjin Technical Regulation to Approve the Pollution Sources Automatic Monitoring Equipment, Tianjin Technical Requirement to Standardize Pollution Sources sewage outlets , Carry Out the Auditing to Make Monitoring Data of Major Pollution Sources under National Control Effectively, Site-test Comparison of Pollution Sources On-line Monitoring System, etc; the construction and operation of emission reduction monitoring system in city have been inspected by national emission reduction inspection team, and the city ranked the third in the whole country. To keep promoting Integrated Investigation of Improving Control through Award to Rural Environmental Quality, Jinnan District, Dagang District and Xinnan District have all added one village in the investigation list.
Environmental Science and Technology
In 2010, Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau won one Science and Technology Award by MEP, two second prize and one third prize by Tianjin Science and Technology Advancement. A total of 102 papers have been published, in which 74 papers were in core journals. 6 papers could be searched by SCI, 6 by ISTP, 4 by EI, 48 selected in the Science Papers Collection of China Environmental Association in 2010. The selection of First Tianjin Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award has been launched, and nineteen projects got awards, including 4 first prize, 7 second prizes and 8 third prizes.
14 demonstration projects of Water Pollution Control and Treatment (Tianjin project),which was one of the 16 major national science and technology project among the National Medium- and long-term science and technology development plan, were basically completed and put into operation. More than 20 new technology research and new products, new materials got breakthrough achievements, including the sewage treatment plant upgrade and stability control technology.
Manual of Tianjin Environmental Protection Standards was compiled. I It has included about one hundred existing environmental protection standards, which closely related to the city’s social and economic development, involving more than 400 pollution factors have been involved.
Environmental Protection Science and Technology Plan of the Twelfth Five-Year Environmental Protection Plan has been compiled. This plan includes environmental technology and environmental standards.
In accordance with National Eco-Industrial Demonstration Park Administrative Measure, Hua Yuan Science and Technology Park has submitted report on the acceptance of applications and related technologies specifications to the national eco-industrial park construction leading group
Environmental protection academic exchanges and science popularization and promotion programs have been actively carried out. Tianjin Institute of Environmental Sciences organized “water pollution control and treatment preaching seminar”, “Climate warming and the environment of human survival seminar” and other academic activities. At the same time , making full use of “Environment Day”, “Technology Week”, “World Water Day ”, “Meteorological Day” , “Earth Day”, a series of activities such as the environmental science and technology seminars, environmental knowledge into the community, widely spread of scientific knowledge on environmental protection were carried out. The Environmental Protection Bureau and the Environmental Institute of Tianjin were awarded the honorary title of Advanced organization unit of the “Tianjin twenty-fourth Science and Technology Activity Week”.
In 2010, environmental protection industry has expanded continuously. There are about 850 enterprises in environmental protection industry either full-time or part-time employed about 40,000 staff. Over 30 billion Yuan output value has been achieved.
Public Participation
In 2010, the city's environmental protection system has received 784 environmental complaints, which included 433 letters and 351 visits, 2.7% decreased compared to the number of last year. The treatment rate is 100%, and the completion rate is 98%. The total quantity of the city complaints about environment is No. 25 and continued to remain low level among the nation's 31 provinces according to the statistics of the Environmental Protection Ministry. The municipal Environmental Protection Bureau has finished the treatment of a total of 11 pieces of recommended proposals from the Municipal People's Congress and CPPCC, with the reply rate, the meet rate and the satisfaction rate to 100%.
12369 environmental hotline has handled 8212complaints throughout the year and the handling rate was 100%.
Environmental publicity and education activities have been carried out with the core of energy saving and emission reduction, promoting eco-city construction, three-year action plan,as so on. In order to meet the overall working requirements of the Municipal party committee and the city government, which are to build three highs, playing five tough fights and to solve problems, promote change, on the level , extensive public participation platforms have been built up and publicity activities have been conducted. Large-scale promotional and education activities, such as Green Carnival have been hold in the water park, with 39th June 5th- the world environment day as an opportunity. These have been the largest, highest and most influential activities since the first June 5th campaign. China Central Television has reported these activities. The project of Tianjin station activities to listen to the voice of the earth-tour of biodiversity was Co-hosted with the City Museum of Natural History. With the Environmental NGO Friends of the Green, Ocean Property, Coca-Cola, Samsung Group, China Resources Vanguard, John Deere Co., Ltd., Tianjin, Environmental propaganda and education activities as the “Ninth Shell Better Environment”, low-carbon life from me, “Le water line” water quality monitoring, Keep a bucket of water, go to the Expo,etc, were jointly launched . The low-carbon lifestyle contest and other activities have been jointly carried out with the Urban Civilization Office and the City Women's Federation and have got wide public participation.
The 2010 Cool China – Low Carbon Environmental Awareness Network and low carbon Life knowledge Quiz activities have been completed. Compost column and Loumen culture construction in some model communities; have been launched and welcomed by the community and the residents.
In 2010 small reporter project news work contest, all Tianjin’s 8 entries got awards. The city's 38 municipal green communities, 33 green schools and 13 municipal kindergartens were given Naming commendation. The training courses to the International Eco-Schools of the city were successfully completed. More than 110 people from the city's environmental protection system and education system attended the training. The International Eco-school activities in Dagang District and Jinnan District have been launched. No.1 middle school of Dagang district was awarded the first international Eco School Green Flag in 2010 by the Environmental Protection Department. The central and local media had published, broadcasted and reproduced nearly 1,000 pieces-times the news manuscript of environmental protection work in the city. The televisions, radios, network televisions, audio media have broadcasted our city’s environmental news nearly 300 minutes. Particularly after the municipal government held a press conference on June 4th, Hong Kong Commercial Daily made a detailed and in-depth report about the progress of the construction of Tianjin Eco-city with “Green Tianjin among the Eco-cities in 2015” as the theme with full front page on June 8. The positive progress and the main results of the eco-city construction in our city were fully demonstrated.12“Tianjin Environmental Protection” special issues were Edited and issued, 107 environmental news articles were published, 76 photos were taken throughout the year.
Construction of Environmental Information
In order to cooperate with the national environmental information and statistical capacity building projects, Tianjin project management leading group and project management office were set up. In accordance with the “national environmental information and statistical capacity-building projects - the working scheme of Tianjin”, the implementation of the project was promoted actively.
Tianjin Environmental Enforcement System - Phase II Project of Basic Geographic Information System has been completed. The environmental data based platform management system has been introduced with the core of environmental management. One file for each pollution source has been established respectively. Pollution source management subsystem and emergency management subsystem have been completed. Relevant standards as environmental geographic information system data specification and access rules have been established.
The revision and security reinforcement of the government web site of Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau have been fulfilled. A web site safety equipment has been installed in accordance with the requirements of Tianjin Economy and Information Committee, and passed the examination of the committee. According to the requirements of the performance evaluation index in the ministry web site, Tianjin Environmental Protection conducted a comprehensive web site revision, and increased the carrying capacity of the site. The work of the website performance evaluation got praised by the Environmental Protection Ministry web site.
7 International cooperation and exchanges
With the focus of circular economy and Ziya circular economy zone construction, representatives were send to attend the sixth environmental meeting of the East Asian economic exchange & promotion organization. Ziya circular economy zone and related enterprises were organized to participate in economic development of environmental protection industry in Kitakyushu, Japan. And Hosoda, who was an expert of circular economy of Japan, was invited as a distinguished consultants in order to expand the influence of Ziya circular economy zone in the Northeast Asia Region.
The demonstration project of Sino-US cooperation in the safety of drinking water in Yuqiao reservoir was completed. Demonstration projects for Comprehensive Village Waste Management in the Yuqiao Reservoir were finished. Experts from America were invited to Tianjin for project operation training and given presentation on US Waster Permit System. The phase II cooperation between Tianjin and Japanese Sumitomo Corporation continued. Comprehensive utilization information exchange system build for the solid waste in Tianjin construction project was negotiated and determined. Coastal clean-up activities in the ten cities of China, Japan and Korea was implemented in the city. Over a hundred environmental protection volunteers of different background were organized to clean Dongjiang artificial coast. The exhibition boards about the activities were displayed at the east Asian economic exchanges & promotion organization ’ 6th environment branch meeting held in Kitakyushu City, Japan. The Sino-Swiss Demonstrations Environmental project, Implement of Cleaner Production in Tianjin was continued to be implemented. The Sino-wedish Implementation of online monitoring of microorganisms in water Project, equipment was imported into China successfully. GEF Hai River Basin integrated management of water resources and the water environment comprehensive management project runs smoothly. The knowledge management (KM) system was developed and worked out with the Water Authority to promote the quality and quantity of information exchange and sharing of data.
Soil Pollution Control Measures training courses was held successfully with the support of Yokkaichi city, Japan, and six participants were selected to be trained on this subject in Japan. Organized high school students to participate in environmental protection exchange activities organized in Yokkaichi, and the international exchange of environmental education for the middle school students was promoted. The second phase of Improve environmental management capacity in Tianjin collaborated with Japan Overseas Cooperation Agency (JICA) was successfully implemented. 15 environment-related staff were dispatched and trained in Japan. Meanwhile, Environmental Education Training courses were also held in Tianjin. More than 100 participants from environmental protection organizations and other government departments, schools, NGO's attended the training. Tianjin Binhai New Area of ??eco-industrial park construction demonstration ----a project of bring talent from overseas in 2010 was completed successfully。